I like to paint glamour shots of native flowers, native plants and desert birds. Living in the Sonoran Desert I see many interesting and beautiful plants. I hope that my paintings inspire and excite you. As a Signature member of Artists for Conservation, Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild, and a juried member of Arizona Watercolor Association, I’ve won several awards. See also HildrethStudios.com and www.ArtistsForConservation.org/Susan-Hildreth
Sempervivum ‘Whitney”, hen and chicks Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Salvia apiana, white sage Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Peniocereus greggii, Queen of the night Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Opuntia violacea, purple prickly pear Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Ipomoea longifolia, pink throated morning glory Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Harrisia jusbertii, night blooming cereus Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Ferocactus macrodiscus, barrel cactus Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Datura wrightii, jimson weed Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Agave colorata, mescal ceniza Watercolor on Cold Press Watercolor Paper