The Southwest Society of Botanical Artists (SWSBA) held an exhibit, “Arizona Originals: Native Plants of Arizona” at the Natural History Institute (HNI) in Prescott, AZ from January 24 through April 10, 2020. The exhibit included 30 pieces by 15 members of SWSBA. The artwork was in a number of media, including pen and ink, watercolor, acrylic and colored pencil. A number of the pen and ink pieces were scientific illustrations to be published in “Legumes of Arizona: an Illustrated Flora and Reference” to be published by the University of Arizona.
An opening reception was held on January 24, 2020, in conjunction with Prescott’s 4th Friday Art Walk. To compliment the scientific illustrations in the exhibit, the NHI showed dried plant specimens, known as vouchers, from their herbarium, accompanied by pen and ink scientific illustrations of the same plants done by Joyce Peters, SWSBA President.
In conjunction with the exhibit were two other events at the NIH. On February 6, 2020 SWSBA member Melanie Campbell-Carter presented a lecture, “Passion, Devotion, Intimacy: Art and Natural History”. On March 7, 2020 a field workshop was held, “From Eye to Paper: Artists Insights” lead by SWSBA President Joyce Peters and NHI naturalist Bob Ellis.
Natural History Institute, Prescott, AZ where Southwest Society of Botanical Artists (SWSBA) opened the exhibit “Arizona Originals”. All the plants dipicted are native to Arizona.
The exhibition was held in 2 rooms. This room had refreshments – part of their 4th Friday Artwalk. Photos are a combination by Susan and Robert Ashton.
SWSBA also had a sales table for prints and note cards.
President Joyce Peters minding the sales table
Also in the first room we had a selection of vouchers from the NHI herbarium, with illustrations Joyce had done of those plants for Legumes Of Arizona.
Herbarium voucher in upper left, pen and ink scientific illustration lower right.
Herbarium voucher in upper left, pen and ink scientific illustration lower right.
In the Gallery we had an explanation of what botanical art is….
…and a label specific to this show.
Exhibit space before people arrived….
Then the crowds came.
Joyce Peters with her Yucca bacatta and Sandy Turico’s Agave sanpedroensis.
Susan Ashton with Opuntia basilaris
Marceline VandeWater with Platanus wrightii
Jo Ann Loza-Woodley with Asclepias lemmonii
Lisa Kearsley with Pinus edulis
Gabriele Henn with Justicia californica
Daniela Siroky with Dalea pulchra
Melanie Campbell-Carter (right) with Cylindropuntia leptocaulis
Of the 15 artists in the show, 9 attended the opening. By the time there was a group shot 2 had left. Left to Right: Cherie Ann Gossett, Daniela Siroky, Susan Eastwood Ashton, Joyce Peters, Gabriele Henn, Marceline VandeWater, Melanie Campbell-Carter.
A selection of Pen and Inks done for Legumes of Arizona: Trifolium pinetorum/Pinewoods Clover – Marceline VandeWater – Pen and Ink
Amorpha fruticosa/False Indigo Bush – Margaret Pope – Pen and Ink
Zapoteca formosa ssp schottii/Schott’s Stick-pea – Chris Bondante – Pen and Ink
Tephrosia leiocarpa/Smooth-pod Hoary Pea – Chris Bondante – Pen and Ink
Vicia ludoviciana/Louisiana Vetch – Margaret Pope – Pen and Ink
Pomaria jamesii/James Rushpea – Sandra Turico – Pen and Ink
Acmispon brachycarpus/Foothill Deervetch – Chris Bondante – Pen and Ink
Parkinsonia aculeata/Mexican Paloverde – Susan Ashton – Pen and Ink
Pediomelum pentaphylum/Chihuahuan Scurfpea – Susan Ashton – Pen and Ink
Thermopsis montana var. ovata/Goldenbanner – Marceline Vandewater – Pen and Ink
Agave sanpedroensis – Sandra Turico – Pen and Ink
A selection of non-legumes: Left -Justicia californica/Chuparosa – Gabriele Henn, Right top – Streptanthus carinatus ssp. arizonicus/Arizona Silverbell – Melanie Campbell-Carter, Right bottom – Ratibida columnaris var. pulcherrima/Mexican Hat – Gillian Rice
Asclepias lemmonii/Lemmon’s Milkweed – Jo Ann Loza-Woodley
Yucca angustissima/Narrowleaf Yucca – Lisa Kearsley – Pen and Ink on paper
Opuntia basilaris/Beavertail cactus – Susan Ashton – Watercolor on paper
Ferocactus wislizenii/Fishhook Barrel Cactus – Pauline Savage – Acrylic on black canvas
Pinus edulis/Pinyon Pine – Lisa Kearsley – Watercolor on paper
Platanus wrightii/Arizona Sycamore – Marceline VandeWater – Colored Pencil on paper
Capsicum annuum/Chiltipin – Pauline Savage – Ink on paper
Quercus gambelii/Gambell Oak – Chrie Ann Gossett – Watercolor on paper
Argemone pleiacantha/Cowboy Fried Eggs – Susan Hildreth – Watercolor on paper
Cylindropuntia leptocaulis/Christmas Cholla – Melanie Campbell-Carter – Watercolor on paper
Nicotiana glauca/Tobacco Tree – Pauline Savage – Acrylic on paper
Carnegeia gigantea/Saguaro Cactus (framed in Saguaro ribs) – Joyce Peters – Watercolor on paper
Yucca bacatta/Banana Yucca – Joyce Peters – Watercolor on paper