Coffee Stain Workshop

In June of 2021 SWSBA hosted a Workshop on Coffee Staining lead by SWSBA member Deborah Ravin. The coffee stain technique was developed by Deb’s medical illustration masters degree mentor Gerald P. Hodge at the University of Michigan. He developed the technique to mimic the “foxing” he saw in old books of medical illustrations. While librarians and curators may find the foxing on old documents a major problem, he found the “unwanted” patterns artistically pleasing and he wanted to recreate the patterns in some of his own work. The workshop was presented over Zoom. It was held in three sessions

  • Session 1: Presentation on Gerald Hodge and introduction to the staining process
  • Session 2: Preparing and drawing on the stained background
  • Session 3: Sharing of workshop participants’ progress from works in progress to completed work